
It's personal - (a gift for you below)

You’ve possibly heard me say “It’s personal” many times when I talk about success. In fact 2 blogs ago I wrote about exactly that. The key point I’ve been making is that the only person who should define what success means to you – is you. It’s not about following someone else’s agenda or even the standards that society portrays as necessary for you to be successful (you know – the career, the car, the house, the boat, the travel, the lifestyle etc.)

In recent months this has become more and more clear to me as I do work in the areas of Passion, Purpose and Profits.

This has involved 4 key activities:

1)      Continuing to coach amazing women business owners in building a Higher Purpose Business;

2)      Writing the Quickfire Guide to Soul Goals, the Discovery Manual and Worksheets in collaboration with my client and friend Lauren Jobson;

3)      Further development of my unique programme called Aligning Passion, Purpose and Profit; and

4)      Doing my very best to live my own words.

It all revolves around uncovering, rediscovering or confirming your passion, purpose, vision and values - because that is where your genius and your magnificence lies.

So where do you find your answers?

It’s found in your truth and your authenticity – your seed DNA.

The clues are found in what you feel compelled to do, where you feel connected and where you feel joy.

And the pathway to these (your Purpose) are your Soul Goals.

With this clarity and focus of vision you can then unlock your magnificence and leverage your definition of success by building a Higher Purpose Life and/or Business around that!

"Life will only make sense; and can only produce long-term happiness, peace and joy when embraced from the perspective of the soul"

Neale Donald Walsch

The Quickfire Guide to Creating Soul Goals was created by Lauren & I because both of us are passionate about helping people to be the best possible versions of themselves and it is a given that the goals that really count are the goals from your Soul.

With over 30 years of collective experience and research distilled inside, it’s a very unique guide - simple, easy to commit to and a very powerful process.

We have decided to offer this as a gift to you because we think that it might resonate with you.

It’s not just a guide on how to create goals from your Soul, but what we hope is an introduction to something much bigger for you - a fulfilling life that revolves around your Higher Purpose.

The Quickfire Guide to Creating Soul Goals will help you to understand in no time at all…

  • What is a Soul Goal
  • Why they are so important
  • How to create your own

Please accept this gift from our hearts to yours. 

Just click here for a link to immediately download it.